Millions of people in the United States no longer enjoy the aesthetics and functionality of a complete smile. Instead, they are struggling to eat, speak, and regain any self-confidence because of their lack of teeth. At Grand Dental – Sycamore, our team of professionals is here to deliver timeless solutions that are designed to restore smiles and boost patients’ confidence. Using dentures in Sycamore, patients can feel comfortable with their new appearances, giving them the confidence boost needed to pursue a better quality of life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
Individuals who are living without any natural teeth may be considered for full dentures. However, if only a few teeth are missing along the upper or lower arches, a partial denture may be enough to fill in the gaps and restore smiles. The only way to know for certain if a person is a candidate for dentures, however, is for the person to schedule an appointment with their dentist in Sycamore.
At our dental office, we will thoroughly examine the patient’s mouth and take any necessary digital images and scans. This will help us to better understand the status of one’s oral health as well as if they are free to move forward with treatment.
There are three types of dentures but only a dentist can determine which one is best to meet a person’s needs. Although one may be preferred over another, it is ultimately deciding which one will produce the kind of results desired.
Designed to fill in the gaps in a person’s smile, partial dentures are great for anyone who has two, three, or four missing teeth along an arch. Crafted to mimic the natural gum tissue, artificial teeth are placed on top of the prosthetic, while metal clasps attach to healthy teeth to help the partial stay in place.
Similar to partial dentures, full dentures look much like regular teeth and gum tissue because of the way they are crafted. Once artificial teeth are placed onto the base, the prosthetic is fitted to a person’s mouth to ensure comfort. Natural suction and denture adhesive help to hold the prosthetic in place.
Unlike their traditional counterparts, implant dentures are costlier, but they’re also much more reliable. Using titanium posts that sit within the vacated sockets and fuse with the bone over several months, these prosthetics support customized restorations, which can include everything from a crown, a bridge, or a denture. Instead of relying on additional products to keep them from slipping, they are secured into place on top of the implant posts for a more secure fit.
The benefits that come with dentures are many, and they are some of the reasons dentists continue to offer them as a reliable tooth replacement solution.
Some of the valuable benefits patients can expect include: