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Children's Dentistry – Sycamore, IL

Experience Our Kind and Caring Pediatric Team

Grand Dental - Sycamore enjoys providing a multitude of preventive children’s dental services. This includes essential treatments like checkups, cleanings, fluoride therapy, and dental sealants, but there’s so much more. Our team recognizes how important it is to help children feel at home and relaxed before they get into the dental chair, and our team has the expertise and qualifications to ensure that’s exactly what happens when you visit us for children's dentistry in Sycamore, IL!

Why Choose Grand Dental - Sycamore for Children's Dentistry?

Children’s Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Mother helping her daughter brush her teeth

Grand Dental – Sycamore works hard to provide your child with the most positive dental experience possible. First visits matter, which is why our team creates a friendly dental office environment that we’re sure your child will find comfortable. We conduct cleanings, find and treat cavities, and make sure the mouth is developing properly. The last thing we want is for an untreated cavity to go by unaccounted for.

Age One Visit

We welcome children of all ages. If you have a child who has never seen the dentist before, then you should know that they earlier they start receiving preventive care, the less likely they are to experience painful dental emergencies in the future, and the more money you’ll be able to save on dental care! We recommend that you set up an appointment with us around your child’s first birthday or in the six month period after they get their first teeth.

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What is a Children's Specialist - Pedodontist

In some cases, a Pedodontist (children’s dentist) may be recommended for children with significant dental concerns, such as advanced tooth decay, developmental issues, or difficulties during treatment. While general pediatric dentists offer comprehensive care, a specialist provides a more focused approach tailored to specific needs. At Grand Dental, we ensure seamless referrals to trusted specialists, prioritizing your child’s comfort and long-term dental health.

Get to Know Dr. Raya, DDS, MPH

Dental Sealants

Our dental office recommends children between the ages of 5 and 7 receive dental sealants simply because they are incredibly effective at lowering the risk of cavity development. These clear shields are painted directly onto teeth, prevent food and plaque from settling in the deep pits and grooves of teeth, and keep them protected for many years.

Fluoride Treatment

Patient receiving fluoride treatment

Fluoride naturally occurs in the foods we eat, but it can also be found in public drinking water as well as a variety of oral hygiene products. With it, you can strengthen your enamel, reduce the risk of decay, and ensure your child’s teeth remain protected against cavities. These reasons and more are why we recommend fluoride therapy during every visit.

Athletic Mouthguards

Young athlete placing athletic mouthguard

Does your child enjoy playing sports? If so, they’ll need an athletic mouthguard to ensure their teeth stay intact. Grand Dental – Sycamore can create a customized oral appliance that not only feels comfortable to wear, but provides the most optimal protection for your child’s teeth, jaw, and facial muscles while playing sports. Furthermore, young athletes will actually want to wear a mouthguard that’s designed for them, giving you more confidence they are protected on the field.

Frenectomies/Lip & Tongue Tie

Baby laughing after lip and tongue tie treatment

Did you know that lip and tongue-ties are actually more common among infants and younger children than you may have realized? These issues occur when the small tissue connecting your child’s tongue to the floor of their mouth (or the lip to their gums) is naturally oversized. To make talking, eating, and latching while breastfeeding easier, we can remove a tiny portion of this overgrown tissue using our precise and comfortable soft tissue laser.

Pulp Therapy

Little boy smiling at dentist after pulp therapy

If your child has dental discomfort or sensitivity that you can’t explain, pulp therapy may be needed. Without treatment, the pulp could lead to premature tooth loss. We can easily resolve this discomfort and protect your child’s tooth with pulp therapy. Once completed, we’ll rebuild the structure of their tooth so they can keep smiling with confidence!

Sedation Dentistry for Children

Children often feel anxious or nervous at the dental office. While this can make it difficult for dentists to perform treatments, they work hard to help children get comfortable when it’s time for their appointment. If necessary, we’re happy to recommend sedation dentistry for children, which is quite mild in nature. This can also work to make building a relationship with our oral healthcare team much easier.

Special Needs Dentistry

Girls with special needs in Sycamore

A special needs child in Sycamore often deals with worsening oral health conditions because of the medications they take, their limited physical mobility, even their diets. To combat problems associated with gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth eruption, our team at Grand Dental – Sycamore is pleased to offer special needs dentistry. We combine effective services with special accommodations to provide high-quality care in a welcoming, calming, and exciting kid-friendly environment.

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I Need a Checkup & Cleaning I Have a Cavity or Broken Tooth I am Missing One or More Teeth I Am in Pain & Need Help I Want to Enhance My Smile I Want a Straighter Smile I am Concerned About Gum Disease I Have Dental Anxiety I Want to Learn About Sleep Apnea View Our Services