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Clear Aligners – Sycamore, IL

Transparent Orthodontic Treatment Teens and Adults Can Enjoy

It’s common for patients to put off orthodontic treatment mainly because they would rather not have metal brackets and wires placed inside their mouth for a year or longer. Thankfully, there is an alternative treatment available for straightening smiles that is more discreet and comfortable than traditional methods. Clear Aligners at Grand Dental – Sycamore is not only popular among teens, but adults can take advantage of treatment as well! If you’d like to preserve your smile’s appearance while you undergo orthodontic treatment, please call us today to learn more about Clear Aligners in Sycamore, IL!

Why Choose Grand Dental - Sycamore for Clear Aligners?

What is Clear Aligners Treatment?

Set of Clear Aligners clear braces tray in carrying case

Clear Aligners clear aligners are made using a digital scan of a person’s smile. Every 1 to 2 weeks, you’ll need to swap out your current aligners for the next pair in your series. This pushes your teeth into their straighter position, slowly yet effectively, and without braces. They are easily removable, which means eating and drinking is simple. You’ll also be able to brush and floss without worry of intrusive metal hardware.

How does the Clear Aligners system work?

Patient placing an Clear Aligners tray

Clear Aligners’s custom trays are created using a BPA-free plastic. Every pair of trays gently shifts teeth millimeters at a time. If you want the best results and quickest treatment time, wear them for at least 22 hours a day.

What happens during appointments?

Closeup of patient placing an Invisalign tray

At your first appointment, our trained team members will capture photos and X-rays as part of their thorough exam. This information is provided to our Clear Aligners software, which creates a 3D model of your teeth to develop a personalized treatment plan. In this plan, we can highlight how your teeth will move over time. This makes it easy to see what your final results will look like before you even start! The plan also confirms how many times you’ll visit, how often you should switch aligners, and the treatment length. At your second appointment, we’ll provide you with the custom-made aligner trays, then give tips on at-home maintenance. In most cases, you’ll visit us once every other month to examine the movement of your teeth and make sure they’re on track. Typically, treatment will fall between 9 and 24 months.

Am I a candidate for Clear Aligners treatment?

Dentist and patient looking at Clear Aligners treatment guide

While teens are optimal candidates for Clear Aligners, adults can take advantage of them as well. The blue compliance indicators are found in teen aligners so parents can make sure they are being worn for long enough. Since they are transparent, you’ll never have to worry about feeling self-conscious during your orthodontic treatment. In many cases, both simple and complicated cases can be addressed via Clear Aligners! Thanks to their additional training, our doctors can handle these difficult cases. Our dental office is dedicated to helping you achieve the results you’re looking for, all while accommodating your lifestyle.

What is Clear Aligners treatment for Teens?

Young girl holding an Clear Aligners Teen aligner tray

Clear Aligners Teen is a separate clear aligner system that makes the process of straightening teeth practically unnoticeable. This is done using transparent, removable aligners customized to fit your teen’s teeth exactly. As a result, no wires, brackets, or bands are necessary.

Living with Clear Aligners Aligners

Young woman showing off her straighter smile after Clear Aligners in Sycamore

How you decide to straighten your teeth is ultimately up to you, so it’s okay if you haven’t yet made your decision. At Grand Dental – Sycamore, we understand having the details can help when determining how best to move forward, so if you still have questions about Clear Aligners and what life is like once you start treatment, consider the information provided below.

Wearing Your Trays

Female holding her Clear Aligners aligner in preparation for putting it in

Clear Aligners are removable, which means it is a flexible form of treatment that allows you to take them out when preparing to eat or drink. While this is a unique benefit, it also carries much responsibility, meaning that you must commit to the process of wearing them 20-22 hours each day. Neglecting to do so will only cause a delay in your treatment.

Cleaning Your Aligners

A person cleaning their aligners with water

Keeping your trays clean is simple. There is no need to purchase additional cleaning supplies but instead, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush, clear soap, and cool water. You want to make sure that you never use hot water, as this will warp the trays. Cleaning your aligners should be something that you do regularly – after eating meals, before going to bed, and when waking up in the morning. This will ensure they remain free of bad bacteria that can be easily transferred to your teeth.

Eating & Drinking

Woman enjoying a hearty sandwich

Instead of worrying about having to dislodge food from your brackets and wires, you can worry less about the foods you eat while undergoing treatment with Clear Aligners. This orthodontic solution requires that you remove your trays before eating or drinking (anything but water), as the force of chewing and biting can damage the aligners. This means you are free to eat all your favorite meals; however, if you have attachments, you’ll need to be careful about consuming too many crunchy foods, as it can cause one to detach from your teeth.

Losing or Damaging a Tray

An  aligner in a protective case and a toothbrush

When your aligners are not inside your mouth, it’s important that you keep them in a protective case. Placing them in a napkin while eating or setting them on the counter will increase the chances of possible damage or loss. Anytime this happens, there is the potential for a delay in treatment, but you should immediately call our dental office to inquire about how you should best proceed.

Routine Check-Ins

Man looking in the mirror at his smile

You’ll be required to maintain regular follow-up appointments with our dental team while undergoing Clear Aligners treatment. These visits are quick, as we will need to check on the progress of your shifting teeth. If any adjustments need to be made, this is the ideal time to do it. Also, you can ask any questions about your Clear Aligners aligners when meeting with your dentist.

Understanding the Cost of Clear Aligners

Female dental patient visiting dentist for Clear Aligners in Sycamore, IL

Does Clear Aligners fit into your budget? That is likely to be the first question on any patient’s mind, but the answer is not really one that can be found just by researching; there are so many factors to consider that the amount one patient ends up paying will likely be dramatically different than what another patient paid. When you visit our office, our team can give you an estimate of the cost of Clear Aligners after completing an examination of your mouth, and they can review the payment options you can use to fit them into your budget.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Clear Aligners

Close-up of single aligner for Clear Aligners in Sycamore, IL

Some of the biggest factors that need to be taken into account when calculating the cost of Clear Aligners treatment include:

  • How many aligners are needed, which depends on what kind of dental misalignment is being corrected and how severe it is.
  • Whether aligners are needed to straighten one arch of teeth or both rows of teeth.
  • Whether the patient is able to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day without breaking or losing them.
  • Whether the patient needs extra accessories such as elastics for their aligners.

Clear Aligners vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Illustration of aligner for Clear Aligners in Sycamore, IL being placed on upper arch

In terms of cost, Clear Aligners does come at a higher price than do-it-yourself treatments like the SmileDirectClub™. However, in many cases, Clear Aligners makes up for the higher initial cost with better value. For one thing, Clear Aligners are made out of a more comfortable and reliable material that is less prone to damage. Also, unlike do-it-yourself aligners, Clear Aligners comes with the support of an in-person dental team that can keep an eye on the patient’s progress and make corrections to the treatment if something goes wrong.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Clear Aligners?

Filling out insurance invoice and using calculator

Many dental plans include a provision for orthodontic treatment, although it is usually only good once in a lifetime. Clear Aligners is often included in these plans, and the coverage can reduce your out of pocket costs by over $1,000. The specifics of your coverage may vary, so we can go over the particulars with you before you begin your Clear Aligners treatment. If you do not have an insurance plan that covers Clear Aligners, an FSA or HSA can help instead.

Options for Making Clear Aligners Affordable

Female patient holding an aligner for Clear Aligners in Sycamore, IL

Patients who lack dental insurance can sign up for our Wellness Dental Access Plan. For either a monthly or annual fee, individuals can receive discounts on many of our dental services without the inconvenience of insurance claims. Also, in order to break up the cost of Clear Aligners treatment so that it fits more comfortably into their budget, patients can apply for CareCredit financing. They break the cost into smaller installments that have been tailored to the patient’s financial situation. Call us for more details.

Clear Aligners FAQs

Patient and dentist discussing Clear Aligners in Sycamore

Traditional metal braces can feel uncomfortable and make attempting to eat certain foods difficult, but Clear Aligners in Sycamore provides a more convenient alternative. Although this treatment is widely popular, you may have still many questions about it. Understanding more about the aligners can help you make the right decision for your smile. We’re happy to let you know what to do if an aligner is lost and if Clear Aligners is possible after wearing regular braces as a teenager. We invite you to review the information below and give us a call to learn more about Clear Aligners today!

Does Wearing Clear Aligners Hurt?

Although the aligners do not cause pain, you may experience some slight discomfort at first. Your mouth needs time to adjust to the oral appliance, and minor soreness indicates that the teeth are shifting as they should. Within a few days, any pain should subside and leave you feeling more comfortable and confident. Keep in mind, however, that this process reoccurs every time you switch out the existing trays with the new set. A clear advantage this process gives you is that you don’t have to undergo as many check-in appointments or have wires tightened, which is the case with traditional metal braces.

Are Clear Aligners Results Permanent?

The result of Clear Aligners treatment can last a lifetime if you follow our instructions and continue to wear your customized retainer when you’ve completed the series of aligners. As time goes by, our cosmetic dentist in Sycamore continues to encourage wearing your retainer to keep teeth in their new, permanent position because teeth can shift back to their original places. If you would like to avoid undoing months of work and keep your teeth straight, wearing a retainer according to our team’s instructions is essential.

What Should I Do If I Lose My Clear Aligners Trays?

At your consultation with our dental team at Grand Dental – Sycamore, we will encourage you to consider purchasing a protective case for your aligners. Not only will this help protect your trays from bad oral bacteria, but it will also help prevent your accidentally throwing the clear aligners away.

Our team recommends keeping the last set of aligners, just in case you lose or damage one or both aligners. You can wear those until we determine the next step in your treatment.

Can I Be Treated with Clear Aligners If I’ve Worn Braces in the Past?

You could relapse and have common alignment issues including overcrowding, gapped teeth, misaligned bites, or crooked teeth. Even if you’ve gone through orthodontic treatment before, there is a possibility that you could qualify for Clear Aligners. Using advanced dental technology, we may find that Clear Aligners is the best way to realign your teeth, and we will draft a treatment plan that can help you achieve long-lasting results this time around.

Braces & Clear Aligners Videos

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First Clear Aligners
for Kids

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Health Effects
of Misaligned Teeth

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How Clear Aligners
Really Works

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Clear Aligners Teen
What It Is, Why It's Better

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